ANNALISA LOEFFLER* Broadway on Demand: Alice/Henry V, Quince/Midsummer Night’s Dream, (Titan Theatre Company). Off-Broadway: Dorothy/Like Money in the Bank (Theater Row); Attica/Alligator Summer (Abingdon); Indie Theatre: Orgon/Tartuffe, Gertrude/Hamlet (Titan); Feste/Twelfth Night, Queen/Cymbeline, Titania/Midsummer Night’s Dream, Gertrude/Hamlet (Boomerang); Maeve/Parish Dunkeld, Paulina/Winter’s Tale; Jane/The Yellow Wallpaper (NSTG/WorkShop); Olivia/Twelfth Night, Adriana/Comedy of Errors, Puck/Midsummer Night’s Dream; (Theater 1010/2020); Regional: Texas/Colorado/Alabama Shakespeare Festivals, including Desdemona/Othello; Queen Elizabeth/Richard III; Luciana/Comedy of Errors. Catch her with The Buttery Barmaids. (*member of AEA).